Curriculum Vitae

Mary Angela Bock

University of Texas at Austin, School of Journalism

300 W. Dean Keeton A1000 BMC 3.384| Austin, TX 78702-1073


PhD, 2009: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania

            Dissertation:  One Man Band: The Process and Product of Video Journalism.

            Committee: Klaus Krippendorff (Chair), Barbie Zelizer, Michael Delli Carpini.

MA, 1986: Drake University: MA, Communication.

      Thesis:  Smile More: A Subcultural Analysis of the Anchor-Consultant Relationship in           Local News Operations.

      Advisor: Michael Cheney

BA, 1984: Drake University: Broadcast Journalism  

Professional Positions

August 2018-Present:

 Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin School of Journalism

                         Graduate Adviser, PhD and Research/Theory MA Program

August 2012-August 2018:

Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Austin School of Journalism

    Affiliations:  The University of Texas Center for Women and Gender Studies

    The University of Texas Department of Communication Studies

    The University of Texas at Austin Center for Health Communication

    Fellow: Humanities Institute, University of Texas, Spring 2015

2009-2012: Assistant Professor, Kutztown University Department of Speech and Theatre.

2008-2009: Instructor,Kutztown University Department of Speech and Theatre

2007: Summer Instructor,University of Pennsylvania, Mass Media & Society

2006: Research Assistant: Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania

2004 & 2005: Public Relations Writer & Researcher, Bellevue Communications Group, Philadelphia, PA

1989-2003: Field Producer, Assignment Editor, WPVI-TV Philadelphia

1982-1988: Reporter, Assignment Editor, KCCI-TV, Des Moines, Iowa


Scholarly Books

Bock, M.A. (in press, late 2023). Gender and Journalism: An Intersectional Approach. Rowman and Littlefield.  

Bock, M.A. (2021). Seeing Justice: Crime, Punishment, and Testimony in Visual Media. Oxford University Press.

Diane S. Hope Book of the Year Award from NCA’s Visual Communication Division

Reviewed: Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Visual Communication Quarterly; Visual Communication

Nominated for the ICA Book Award, AEJMC Tankard Award

Fahmy, S., Bock, M.A., Wanta, W. (2014). Visual Communication Theory and Research: A Mass Communication Perspective.  New York: Palgrave.

*Awarded the Outstanding Book in Visual Communication 2014, by the National   Communication Association Visual Communication Division

Bock, M.A. (2012). Video Journalism: Beyond the One-Man Band.  NY: Peter Lang. 

Krippendorff, K. & Bock, M.A. (Eds.) (2008). The Content Analysis Reader. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Bock, M.A., Richardson, R., Assaf, C. and Tsyrenzhapova, D: (in press) Improvisation, Economy, and MTV Moves: Online News and Video Production Style. Electronic News.

Bock, M.A. (in press): Visual Media Literacy and Ethics: Images as Affordances in the Digital Public Sphere. First Monday, special issue on video evidence.

Peña, V., Figueroa, E. Grubic, A., Bock, M.A.: (2022): The Blame Game: How video evidence changes narratives of misogynistic violence in sports discourse. Feminist Media Studies

Assaf, C. & Bock, M.A. (2021) The Robert Capa Myth: Hegemonic Masculinity in Photojournalism’s Professional Indoctrination in Communication, Culture and Critique.

Bock, M.A. and Lazard, A. (2021):Narrative Transparency, Credibility and the Audience: First-Person Process Statements in Video News.  Convergence.

Lazard, A. J., Bock, M. A., & Mackert, M. S. (2020) Impact of Photo Manipulation and Visual Literacy on Consumers’ Response to Persuasive Communication. Journal of Visual Literacy. doi: 10.1080/1051144X.2020.1737907

Bock, M.A. (2020). Theorizing Visual Framing: A Model for Context, Materiality and Cognition. Journal of Visual Studies 35(1)1-12. doi: 10.1080/1472586X.2020.1715244

Bock, M.A., Pain, P., Jhan, J. (2019). Covering nipples: News discourse and the politics of breastfeeding. Feminist Media Studies 19 (1)53-69.

Bock, M.A., Cueva Chacón, L.M., Jung, H., Sturm, H.A. & Figueroa, E.J.  (2018). The Faces of Local TV News in America: Youth, Whiteness and Gender Disparities in Station Publicity Photos.Feminist Media Studies 18(3) 440-457.

Bock, M.A. & Figueroa, E.J. (2018).  Faith and Reason: A Cultural Discourse Analysis of the Black & Blue Facebook Pages. New Media and Society 20(9) 3097-3118.

Bock M.A., Lough, K., Fadnis, D. (2017). “Her” photographer: The Roanoke live shot murders and visual communication’s place in the newsroom. Visual Communication Quarterly 24(3)162-173.

Lazard, A., Mackert, M., Bock, M.A., Love, B., Dudo, A., & Atkinson, L. (2018) Visual Assertions: Effects of Photo Manipulation and Dual Processing for Food Advertisements, Visual Communication Quarterly, 25(1): 16-30. DOI:10.1080/15551393.2017.1417047

Bock, M.A., Istek, P., Pain, P., Araiza, J.A. (2018). Mastering the mugshot: Visual journalism and political image management. Journalism Practice 19(3): 432-451. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2016.1191368

Bock, M.A. (2016). The News flip exercise: Finding patriarchy, racism and other forms of bias in language. Teaching Media Quarterly 4 (2) online publication,

Bock, M.A, Suran, M. & Boria, Laura M. (2016). Badges? Who needs them?  Police press credential policies, professionalism and the new media environment. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism (online ahead of print, 1-17) DOI: 10.1177/1464884916667655

Bock, M.A. & Schneider, D. A. (2016). The voice of lived experience: Video and narrative in the courtroom:  Information, Communication and Society (online ahead of print, 1-16). DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1168474

Araiza, J.A., Sturm, H.A., Istek, P., Bock, M.A. (2016). Hands up, don’t shoot, whose side are you on? Journalists tweeting the Ferguson protests.  Special issue of Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies devoted to Ferguson, 1-8.

Bock, M.A. (2016). Film the police! Video, narrative, and the police accountability movement.  Journal of Communication 66(1) 13-34.   

Bock, M.A. (2015). Framing the accused: Perp walks, media rituals, and image contextualization. Visual Communication Quarterly 22(4) 205.

Bock, M.A. (2016). Showing versus telling:Comparing newspaper and television video narratives on the web. Journalism: Theory and Practice & Criticism 17(4), 493-510.  DOI: 1464884914568076 (published online February 11, 2015).

Bock, M.A. & Araiza, J.A. (2014). Facing the death penalty while facing the Cameras: A case study of television journalism work routines. Journalism Practice 9(3), 314-331.

Bock M.A. (2012). Newspaper journalism and video: Motion, sound, and new narratives.  New Media and Society 14(4) 600-616.

Bock M.A. (2012). Citizen video journalists and truthful authority: Reviving the role of the witnessJournalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism 13(5) 639-653.

Bock M.A. (2011). You really, truly, have to “be there”: Video journalism as a social and material construction. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 88(4) 705-718.

Bock, M.A.(2009). Who’s minding the gate? Pool feeds, video subsidies and

political imagery.  International Journal of Press and Politics 14(2) 257-278.

Romer, D. & Bock, M.A. (December 2008). Reducing the stigma of mental illness among adolescents and young adults: The effects of treatment information. Journal of Health Communication 13(8) 742–758.

Bock, M.A. (2008). Together in the scrum: Practicing news photography for television, print and broadband. Visual Communication Quarterly 15(3) 169-179.

Bock, M.A. (2007). Beyond blogging: Harnessing the internet’s full potential to enhance the public sphere. PoliComm 1(2) 63-70.

Book Chapters, Peer Reviewed

Bock, M.A. (2022). Police Accountability Activism as Feminist Ethics: Theorizing Non-Violent Embodied Witnessing in: Newson, V.A. & Lengel, L.M. (eds) Embodied Activisms: Performative Expressions of Political and Social Action. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Bock, M.A. (2021). Perp Walks as Contested Rituals:  Documents, Affordances, and Performances. Chapter Five In: Wiest, J. (ed) Theorizing Criminality and Policing in the Digital Media Age. Emerald Studies in Media and Communications Vol. 22. Bingley, U.K: Emerald Publishing.

Book Chapters

Bock, M.A. (2022). “Contextualizing Citizen Visual Journalism: Narrative and Testimony.” Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community 2nd Ed. London: Routledge.

Bock, M.A. (2020). Re-Contextualizing Visual Representations: The Videos of and About Police Accountability in Three Competing Discourses. Pp 89-103 in: Krippendorff, K. & Halabi, N. (Eds.), Discourses in Action. New York: Routledge.

Bock, M.A. & Schneider, D. A. (2019). Reprint of: The voice of lived experience: Video and narrative in the courtroom. In Claire Lutkewitte, Writing in a Technological World NY:  Routledge.  

Bock, M.A. (2018): Answering the smartphones: Police strategies in response to video-evidence from accountability activists. In: Price, M. & Ristovska, S. (Eds.), Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research (pp. 275-297). New York: Palgrave.

Bock, M.A. (2016). Always rolling: News subsidies and video journalism in the 24-hour news Bock, M.A. (2016). Always Rolling: News Subsidies and Video Journalism in the 24-Hour News Cycle. In: Cushion, S. (Ed.): 24 Hour News (pp. 227-239). New York: Peter Lang.

Bock, M.A. (2015). Beyond the first story: Technology and the emerging practices of alternative journalism. In: Atton, C. (Ed.): Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media (pp. 347-356). London: Routledge.

Bock, M.A. (2014). Little brother is watching: Citizen video journalists and witness narratives. In: Allan, S. & Thorson, E. (Eds.): Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives, Volume Two (pp. 349-360). NY: Peter Lang.

Bock, M.A. (2004). The shared viewing experience: How television’s changing sense of time affects collective identity in the United States and Europe. In: Passadeos, Y. (Ed.), Mass Media in Transition: An International Compendium. Athens, Greece, (pp. 97-112). Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research. 

Encyclopedia Entries  

Bock, M.A. (in press). Video journalism. In Borchard, G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Journalism. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bock, M.A. (2017). Visual media effects: Photography.  In Roessler, P. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Media Effects: Hoboken, NJ: Wiley- Blackwell.

Bock, M.A. (2009). Video journalism. In Sterling, C.H. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Journalism. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bock, M.A. (2009). Photo editors. In Sterling, C.H. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Journalism. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Invited Academic Papers

Bock, M.A. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue: Visual Representation and Marginality. Visual Communication Quarterly 27(4): p. 182.

Bock, M.A. (2020). Looking Up, Talking Back: Voice and Visibility as a Digital Human Right. Surveillance & Society 18(3): 409-412.

Book Reviews

Bock, M. A. (2021). Book review: Visual Communication: Understanding Images in Media Culture. Visual Communication

Bock, M.A. (2019). Vickery, Jacqueline R. and Tracy Everbach, editors. Mediating Misogyny: Gender, Technology, and Harassment. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. In: Women’s Studies in Communication,

Bock. M.A. (2012). Cushion, Stephen. Television Journalism. Los Angeles: Sage. In Journalism, 14(4) 556–557 DOI: 10.1177/1464884912454496

Articles in Non-refereed Publications

Bock, M.A. (July, 2021). Beyond Storytelling.  AEJMC Visual Communication Division Newsletter

Bock, M.A. (October, 2020). Handout Photos and Propaganda: The Limits of Captioning.   AEJMC Visual Communication Division Newsletter

Bock, M.A. (August, 2020).  Balancing on the High Wire: The Right to Protest and the Right to Photograph. AEJMC Visual Communication Division Newsletter.

Bock, M.A. (April, 2020).  COVID-19’s Safety Lessons: Beyond the Pandemic. AEJMC Visual Communication Division Newsletter.

Bock, M.A. (Oct. 11, 2016). You’ve become a news gatekeeper too. San Antonio News Express.

Bock, M.A. (July 6, 2016). How video can help police—and the public. Featured in “Grey Matters” a feature the Houston Chronicle online, 

Bock, M.A. (June 15, 2015). Video Holds Officials Accountable. Fort Worth Star Telegram, editorial page contribution.

Bock, M.A. (March 8, 2015). Body cameras are only part of community policing. Austin American Statesman, editorial page contribution.

Bock, M.A. (Aug. 19, 2014).Filming police a legal right, essential part of balance of power, Austin American Statesman, editorial page contributor.

Bock, M.A. (Nov. 2012). Video journalism: No utopia yet. News Photographer Magazine, 41-43.

Manuscript(s) under Review:

Bock, M.A., Richardson, R., Assaf, C. T., Tsyrenzhapova, D., Narrative Authority in Online Video: Legacy Media and Digital Native Production Styles. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.

Pena, V., Figueroa, E. Grubic, A., Bock, M.A. (in revision): The Blame Game: How video evidence changes narratives of misogynistic violence in sports discourse. Feminist Media Studies.

Refereed Conference Papers   

Figueroa, E. & Bock, M.A.: (November, 2021) Digital Identity and Embodiment in Esports: Analyzing the Gendered Dimensions of Real and Virtual Bodies in Evolution Championship Series 2019 Media Content. Paper presented by Ever Figueroa at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.

Bock, M.A., Richardson, R., Assaf, C.T., Tsyrenzhapova, D. (August, 2021) Production and Improvisation: Digital Native News Video as an Emerging Narrative Style paper scheduled presentation with the Electronic News Division at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, online.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2020) Making Video, Seeing Video: Untangling Rights and Responsibilities in the Smartphone Era. Paper presented online for the meeting of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2020) Dancing Cops and Authoritarian Appeals: Police Image Maintenance in the Digital Age. Paper presented online for the meeting of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2019). Spectacular Trials: Visual Journalism and the Staging of Justice. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington D.C.

Bock, M.A. (August, 2018). Moderator and organizer, The politics of voice, visibility, and transparency, a joint research panel discussion for the Visual Studies Division and the Critical Studies Division at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2018). Presenter: Voice and Visibility in the Digital Age:

Media Participation as a Capability for Human Development, in: Applying the Capabilities Approach to Media and Communications, a preconference at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2018).  Panelist: It Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story: Discourses of and About Police Accountability Video, in Visual Epistemologies and Human Rights, a panel discussion at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2018). Presenter: The Voice of Visual Evidence: Performance Theory, the MacGuyver Factor, and Photojournalistic Authority, in:  Photojournalisms: History, Performance, Framing, Solutions, a panel discussion at the annual meeting for the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.

Bock, M.A. (April, 2018). Presenter: Digital Photojournalism as Performance: Ethics, Social Responsibility and a Writ of Habeas Corpus. In: Photojournalism and Journalists, a panel discussion at the Rochester Institute of Technology Photo History/Photo Future Conference, Rochester New York.

Bock, M.A. & Figueroa, E.J: (August, 2017). Faith and Reason: A Cultural Discourse Analysis of the Black & Blue Facebook Pages. Scholar to Scholar Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago IL.

     * Designated Second Place Poster, Cultural and Critical Studies Division.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2017). Theorizing visual framing: Metaphor, mode, and materiality. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

     * Designated Top Paper, Visual Communication Division

Bock, M.A. (May, 2017). Tales of the timeline: Discourses of the failures of video evidence. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

Bock, M.A., Pain, P., Jhucin, J. (November, 2016):  Covering the nipple: News discourse and the politics and framing of breastfeeding. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Bock M.A., Lough, K., Fadnis, D. (August, 2016). “Her” Photographer: The Roanoke live shot murders and visual communication’s place in the newsroom. Paper presented atthe meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.

Bock, M.A. (June, 2016). Black and blue: Online discourse and linguistic constructions of lives that matter. Paper session at the Cultural Studies Conference, Villanova, PA.

Bock, M.A. (April, 2016). Black and blue: The discourse of the police accountability movement.  Paper session at The Conflict Conference, Austin, TX.

Bock, M.A., Pain, P, Jhucin, J. (April, 2016). Covering the nipple: News discourse and the politics and framing of breastfeeding. Paper session at The Conflict Conference, Austin, TX.

Bock, M.A. (November, 2015). Focusing on visual framing’s metaphors: lessons from 101 citations.Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.

Bock, M.A. (August, 2015). Filmic narrative and authority in the cop watching movement. Paper Session presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.

*Awarded Second Place Faculty Paper by The Cultural and Critical Studies Division.  

Bock, M.A. (May, 2015). Iconic images of death, LIFE and the Cosmos: The construction of mass-mediated epiphany. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Bock, M.A. & Araiza, J.A. (August, 2014). Facing the cameras while facing the death penalty: A case study of television journalism work routines.  Scholar to Scholar session presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2014). Showing versus telling: Comparing newspaper and television video narratives on the web. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA.

Bock, M.A. (November, 2013).Advancing photojournalism’s civil contract: Citizen video journalists and crisis narratives. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Washington, D.C.

Bock, M.A. (June, 2013).Framing the accused: Perp walks, media rituals, and image re-contextualization. Paper presented (by proxy, Saif Shahin, PhD student, University of Texas at Austin) at the meeting of the International Communication Association, London.

Bock, M.A. (November, 2012).Epiphanic photographs: Decisive moments in the mind of the viewer. Paper session presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL.

Bock, M.A. & Schneider, D.A. (May, 2012). Showing versus telling:  Comparing newspaper and television video narratives on the web. Paper session presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.

Bock, M.A. (November, 2011).We stand behind their eyes: Iconic images, photographers and bodily practice. Paper session presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.  

Bock, M.A. (May, 2011).You really, truly, have to “be there”: Video journalism as a social and material construction. Paper session presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Boston, MA.

Bock, M.A. (November, 2010). Citizen video journalists and truthful authority: When “Because I said so” is not an option. Paper Session presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.

Bock, M.A. (August, 2010). You just have to be there: Video journalism as a social and material construction. Paper Session presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver, CO.

      * Designated Top Faculty Paper, Visual Communication Division

Bock, M.A. (August, 2008). The eyes don’t have it all: A corporeal approach to photography. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2007). Together in the scrum: Practicing news photography for television, print and broadband. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.

Bock, M.A. (June, 2006). Gates wide open: Video Feeds, camera pools, and political image regulation.  Paper session presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.          

*Designated as a Top Student Paper, Political Division.

Bock, M.A. (October, 2005). Why blogging’s not enough: The case for sites that link people to the people’s business. Paper presentation at the RE:Activism Conference, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

Bock, M.A. (May, 2005). Running the camera gauntlet: Defense attorney views of courtroom coverage by TV News in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  Paper session presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, New York, NY.

      * Designated Top Student Paper, Law & Regulation Division

Bock, M.A. (February, 2005).Framed and re-framed: Nonconsensual news photography from both sides of the camera. Paper session presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Mid-Winter Conference, Kennesaw, Georgia.

Invited Lectures & Panel Presentations  

Invited Lecture (scheduled March 24, 2023):  “Controlling the Story by Controlling the Pictures: Embodied Gatekeeping’s Role in Photojournalistic Production”for the 23rd EdukCircle International Convention on Media Communication, Manila, the Philippines (online).

Panelist: (July 13, 2022)New books panel. Law and Society Association Global Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal (online).  

Guest Lecture: (Nov. 11, 2021) Visual Inquiry: The Epistemological Paradox of Citizen Video. The University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Panelist: (Sept. 29, 2021) Book Panel: Seeing Justice and Human Rights. The University of Colorado, Boulder.

Presiding Chair: (August 2021) Journalism and the Carceral State: The Challenges of Reporting on American Prisons, a joint panel with the Cultural and Critical Studies and Newspaper and Online News Divisions scheduled for presentation as part of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, online.

Panelist, (May 2021):The Power and Limitations of Transparency in Visual Information Politics. Visual Communication Studies. ICA Annual Conference Virtual Meeting.

Presenter (April 8 2021): Embedding Yourself in the Cultures of Research & Writing – Establishing a writing routine/developing a research trajectory. Graduate Students’ Research & Publication Mentorship, Jointly Hosted by Daystar University & the International Communication Association. Virtual Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Panelist (October 2020) Free Speech in Contemporary Society, for The University of Texas Moody College Free Speech Week. With Mirasol Enriquez, Teresa Frontado, Scott Stroud, and Sam Woolley.

Panelist (August 2020):Planning your ascent by saying NO: Tips for focusing your research plan your way. Online Panel for Graduate Student Interest Group, for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Panelist (August 2020):The pedagogy of theory-building.  Online Panel for Communication Theory and Methodology Division, for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.  

Chair (May 2020):Visual Politics: Researching Political Participation Through News Images, Selfies and Immersive Videos. Online panel for the Visual Communication Studies and Political Communication Division of the International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Gold Coast, Australia.

Plenary Scholar (May 2020): Marginality Opening New Conversations Visual Representation. Online Pre-Conference Event for the International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Gold Coast, Australia (online).   

Panelist (August 2019). Opportunities for Diversity & Inclusion in the Visual Communication Classroom. Teaching Panel Session at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.

Panelist (August 2019) Learning to See the Light. Teaching Marathon session presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.

Panelist (Feb. 28, 2019): Broken Trust sponsored by The University of Texas Moody College of Communication Center for Sports Communication & Media. Austin, Texas.

Chair (May 2018). Rethinking Participatory Media, Spectatorship and the Witness, a panel discussion at the annual meeting International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.

Respondent (May 2017). Senior Scholar & Mentor for the Young Scholars Preconference on Visual Methods at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

Panelist (April, 2017). Journalism and policing. Cops, Reform & Justice: A Symposium for Texas Journalists on the Challenges and Opportunities of Covering 21st Century Law Enforcement. Sponsored by theJohn Jay Center, City University of New York. Austin, TX: The University of Texas at Austin.

Panelist (April, 2017).  Civil discourse online. The Conflict Conference, Austin, TX: The University of Texas at Austin.

Public Lecture (Feb. 16, 2017).Journalism Ethics for an Unfiltered Age: sponsored by the UT Media Ethics Initiative, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

Presenter: (December, 2016). It doesn’t tell the whole story: Accountability videos and the discourses of policing.Annenberg Scholars Symposium,Philadelphia, PA: The University of Pennsylvania.

Panelist: (Nov. 3, 2016). Elections, gender, and the media” The University of Texas at Austin Feminist Policy Alliance.

Presenter: (October, 2016). “We are all gatekeepers now.” In: Civic Life in the Cyber Age, sponsored by the Annette Strauss Institute. The University of Texas at Austin.

Panelist (Oct. 15, 2016).“Citizen’s Journalism from the underground press to twitter and the cell phone.” The Rag Reunion, Austin Community College, Austin, TX.

Lecture: (September, 2016). With Cueva-Chacon, L., Pain, P. & Fadnis, D.: We haven’t come a long way, Baby: Gendered representations of taboo, violence and attractiveness in the news. Faculty Research Lecture Series sponsored by theCenter for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Panelist: (August, 2016).Teaching Marathon:  Using “loyalty cards” for Instagram. Teaching Marathonsession presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Panelist: (August, 2016). Is the package dead? In: Balancing Broadcast: Teaching Video Storytelling as the Form Evolves a panel discussion presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Panelist: (August, 2016). Incorporating the archives into your syllabus. In: Teaching Diversity in the Classroom: New Approaches from the AEJMC Oral History Diversity Project, a panel presentation at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Panelist: (August, 2016).Black and blue:Online discourse and the framing of lives that matter.  In: Research Roundtable for Emerging and Senior Scholars at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Panelist: (August, 2016). Performance studies and photojournalism. In: What really is social photojournalism? A panel discussion at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Panelist: (August, 2016). Who Is beautiful enough for TV News? A content analysis of publicity photos. In: Sexism on the Set: Gendered Expectations of Female TV Broadcasters in a Social Media World, a panel discussion at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, Minn.

Panelist: (November, 2015).Why citizens should film police. In:Conversations in Courage: Embracing Opportunities for Difficult Conversation in the Classroom and in the Community. Panel Discussion at the National Communication Association Annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Panelist: (August, 2015). Film the police: An ethnography of the police accountability movement. In:Ethics, Emotions, and Photojournalism: Lessons learned from the #MikeBrown shooting in Ferguson and Unrest, a panel discussion at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, California.

Panelist: (May, 2015).Senior Scholar & Mentor for the Young Scholars Preconference on Visual Methods at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association,  San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Panelist: (November, 2014). First person narratives and credibility: An experiment. In: Research in Progress Roundtable, at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Panelist: (August, 2014). Beyond the one man band. In: Video Journalism:  Where it’s been, where it’s going and how it can be better, a panel discussion at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.

Public Lecture (Sept. 25, 2013). Barbie is a zombie: Women, TV journalism and the rise of the one-woman-band. Center for Women’s and Gender Studies Faculty Development Program, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

Chair: (February, 2013). Entering the arena: Journalists and access to the sport story.  Chair of a professional panel at the annual Summit on Communication and Sport, Austin, Texas.

Lecture: (June 4, 2012). Face to face with the other: Perp-walks and mug shots as journalistic tropes. Sponsored by the School of Journalism, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

Panelist: (April 2012). Development a basic course rubric. In: Challenges and Rewards of the Multi-section General Education Communication Course Assessment Program, a panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Panelist: (August 2011). The note card attendance system. In: The Visual Communication and Advertising Division Teaching Marathon, a panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Saint Louis, Missouri.

Panelist: (April 2011). Video Journalism. Pennsylvania Associated Press Broadcaster’s Association, Grantville, PA.

Panelist: (November 2010). Building bridges toward intelligent skepticism: using the Basic Course for the Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills. In:Building Bridges Beyond Public Speaking: How the Basic Course Can Support Broader Institutional Assessment Goals, a panel discussion at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, California.

Panelist: (November, 2010). Going boldly but not blindly: using new Media effectively in the university classroom. In: Bridging the attention gap: Using technology to engage students in the classroom, a panel discussion presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, California.

Panelist: (November, 2009). The Effects of team-building activities on speaking confidence: Converting the classroom audience from “them” to “we” In: Assessment in the Basic Course: Addressing issues of unfamiliarity and social isolation in public speaking, a panel discussion at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois.

 Lecture: (June, 2008). Barbarians at the Gate: Video Journalism and Newspapers. Rider University’s Rider News Retreat, Lawrenceville, N.J.

Panelist: (Nov. 2007). Video Journalism: Fresh discourse? Or a cheaper version of yesterday’s news? “The Politics and Stakes of Alternative Journalism,” sponsored by the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Presenter: (May, 2007).What makes a news story work? Exploring issues of usefulness, narrativity and video news in the age of convergence, in “Exploring Media Narratives: New Concepts and Methods,” University of Erfurt, Germany.


Courses, the University of Texas at Austin

J-342:  Gender and the News (cross listed with WGS 345)

J-349-T: Visual Media and the News

J-380-V: Visual Journalism (masters professional)

J-381: Qualitative Methods (graduate-level)

J-310F:  Reporting Words

COM370H: Visual Media, Culture & Ethics for Honors Students

J-395: Theory II (graduate-level, critical cultural theory)

J-395: Visual Media Theory and Methodology (graduate-level)

Nominated, 2013, 2015 & 2017: Lucia, John, and Melissa Gilbert Teaching Excellence Award in Women’s and Gender Studies.

Participant, May 23, 2016, University of Texas at Austin: Safe Space/Brave Space: Creating Safe but Challenging Learning Environments. Sponsored by the Center for the Skills & Experience Flags and the Humanities Institute.

Participant, January 16, 2015, The University of Texas at Austin Faculty Teaching Colloquium: Good Teaching: How Do We Know It When We See It? Sponsored by the Provost Teaching Fellows, Academy of Distinguished Teachers and the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Participant, Fall 2012, Collaborative Learning Faculty Learning Community.Sponsored by The University of Texas at Austin Center for Teaching and Learning.

Participant May 12, 2012: Teaching in the Digital Age. Sponsored by The University of Texas at Austin School of Journalism and the Poynter Institute.

University of Texas at Austin Research Supervision

Dissertation Chair:  

Dominique Montiel Valle,

Christopher Assaf,

Robert Richardson (co-chair)  

Omneya Ibrahim

Dariya Tsyrenzhapova (co-chair)

Scott, Alex (2022): Visions of Migration: News Images and The Visual Knowledge of Migration on The U.S. Southern Border

Peña, Vincent (2022): All the right questions: Exploring routines, interview practices, and stereotypes in sports media.

Ashe, Ivy (2022): Where are we going? Examining place and national identity through the aspirational frames of domestic travel media.

Grubic, Adrianne (2022): Constructing ‘The City Too Busy To Hate’: Race, Power, Place, and Sport in Atlanta Journalism.

Figueroa, Ever J (2020): Hegemonic Masculinity on the Character Select Screen: How Esports Media & Culture Represent Race, Gender and Class.

Cueva-Chacon, Lourdes (2020): A “Gentlemen’s Agreement:” The ways news discourse perpetuates and challenges segregationist discourse.

Graber, Shane (2019):  A Seven Letter Word for Leaving People Out: ELITISM in The New York Times Crossword.

Lough, Kyser (2019): What music looks like: Concert photographers and their work, identity and gatekeepers.

Vasudevan, Krishnan (2017) Black Media Producers of Austin, Texas: Critical Media Production and Design as Citizenship

Dissertation Committee member:  

Martin, Zelly, (underway) Baby Monitor: The New Digital Tactics of the American Anti-Abortion Movement

Riedl, Martin (2021): The Politics of Dating Platforms: Norms, Safety, and Policy at Tinder, Bumble, and Grindr

Caviness, Autumn (2021): Too Big, Too Dark, and Too Lakisha for TV News? An Analysis of On-Air Black Women Journalists

Whipple, Kelsey (2020) The Power of Curation: Examining the Identity, Authority and Beliefs of U.S. Cultural Journalists

Jung, Hyeri (2017). Transcultural Media and the Soft Power of the Korean Wave:

        A Reversed Ethnographic Approach to U.S. Fans’ Reception of Korean Popular Culture

Shahin, Saif (2017). News, Nations, and Power Relations: A Study of Newsmaking and

Policymaking as Transnational Practices

Kilgo, Danielle (2017). Black, White, and Blue: Analyzing Media and Audience Frames of Visual News Coverage of Police-Use-of-Force and Protests

Araiza, Jose Andres (2016). Evolving representations of GLBT issues in Texas

Wang, Qian (2016). Who sets the news agenda on “Chinese Twitter”?  Exploring the relationships between the media and opinion leaders on Weibo

Tedrow, Matt (2015). Black sails on the mediascape: Towards an anarchist theory of news media and media-movement interactions

Scoggin-McEntee, Rebecca (2015). Future visual coverage of U.S. women in combat: Gatekeeping, hierarchy of influences, and ethic of care

Coddington, Mark (2015). Gathering evidence of evidence: News aggregation and the production of journalistic knowledge

Lazard, Allison Joan (2015). Photo manipulation: The influence of implicit visual arguments on dual processing

Yaschur-Haslinger Caroline (2014). A visual-verbal agenda: The interaction of news stories and photographs on second-level agenda setting

Master’s Reports & Theses (First Reader):

Martin, Zelly, (2021): The Day Joy Was Over”: Representation of Pregnancy Loss in   the News (Thesis)

Assaf, Christopher (2020): The Video U-Turn (Thesis)

Figueroa, Ever (2016): Online Gamer Fandom’s Misogyny (Thesis)

Brown, Emily Donohue (2016):  Independence and Integrity: A Case Study of Civic and              Local Journalism in Action (Masters Report)

Capraro, Joe (2015): Out on the Court: Progress for Gay College Basketball Players Comes in Fits and Starts (Masters Report)

Turner, Paige (2015): The Lucky Ones: Blacks in East Austin Turning Profit from Gentrification (Masters Report)

Britt, Terry Linn (2015): Another Time, Another Place: Archival Media Content as Temporal Consciousness and Collective Memory (Thesis)

Schwartz, Robin (2014):  Time of Death (Film & Masters Report)

Master’s Reports & Theses (Second Reader):      

Montiel Valle, Dominique. (2019) ‘So they can see all we’ve suffered!’ Understanding the Roles of the Citizen Witness in the Visual Economy of Crisis Images (Thesis)

O’Neal, Aubrey (2018):  The Voice of Your Virtual Assistant: How Human is Too Human? Exploring implications of synthetic speech that can mimic humans (Thesis)

Rico, Andrew (2015):Abu Ghraib and Torture Porn Cinema: How the “Saw,” “Hostel,” and “I Spit on Your Grave” Series Manifested Social Fears of Torture Following the Release of the Abu Ghraib Photographs (Thesis)

Higuera-Florez, Silvia (2015): Domestic Violence on Undocumented Latina Women in Texas (Masters Report)

Liu, Gefei (2014): Haigui’s predicament in the job market: Is there opportunity at the end of the tunnel? (Masters Report)

Courses Taught, The University of Texas at Austin

Becoming Citizen Journalists (UGS)  

Reporting: Words

Visual Media and Ethics (Honors)

Visual Media and the News

Gender and the News

Visual Journalism for MA students

Qualitative Methods (graduate)

Critical Cultural Theory (graduate) 

Visual Theory & Methodology (graduate)

Courses Taught, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Visual Rhetoric

New Media and Communication

Non-Verbal Communication

Survey of Communication Theory

Introduction to Communication Theory

Introduction to Mass Media

Fundamentals of Oral Communication

Grants, Fellowships and Awards

2023: The University of TexasProvost’s Mentored Faculty Scholars, $10,000

2020: The University of Texas, Faculty Research Leave. Visual Coverage of State and Local Government: Embodied Gatekeeping and Democracy

2018: The University of Texas Vice President of Research APX Grant Program. Police Stories: The Narrative Construction of Justifiable Homicide in Police Reports with Danny Law and Harel Shapiro, $88,000

2017: The University of Texas Moody College Office of the DeanCourse Development Grant. Citizen Journalism for Non-Majors, $5,000.

2017: The University of Texas Center for Teaching and LearningProject 2021 for Online Course Development, Citizen Journalism for Non-Majors, $3,500.

2016: Special Research Grant, The University of Texas Office of the Vice President for Research: A Full Hand of Wild Cards: Tension, Rivalries and Common Causes in the Police Accountability Movement. Sole PI, $750.  

2016:  The University of Texas College of Communication Faculty Development Fellowship, Black and Blue: A Multi-Modal Analysis of Police Accountability Discourse, $9,000.

2016: Moody College of Communication Grant Preparation Award, $3750. 

2016: University of Texas Center for Women and Gender Studies Core Faculty Research Grant. The News as Culture research group,$1,000 for student support.

2016: The University of Texas Moody School of Journalism Dean’s Fellowship.

Fall 2015-Spring 2016: Special Research Grant, The University of Texas Office of the Vice President for Research: Video Journalism’s Next Iteration:  How Newspapers are Adapting to Digitization. Sole PI $750

2014: TheUniversity of Texas at Austin Humanities Institute Fellowship.

Fall 2013-Spring 2014: University of Texas Center for Women’s and Gender Studies Faculty Development Program Fellowship. Sole PI. $1,000

Fall 2013: Departmental Undergraduate Mentorship Fellowship: Audience reception to changes in video narrative style, $3,000.

Summer, 2013:  University of Texas College of Communication Summer Research Fellowship:  funding applied toward research on Perp Walks and other Non-Consensual Portrayals in Visual Media, $5,000.

Spring, 2013: Departmental Undergraduate Mentorship Grant: to develop a national police department credentials guide for photojournalists. Sole PI (IRB shared with a graduate student), $3,000.

Spring, 2012: Primary Manager of a faculty development grant from the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education for online teaching training: Developing Curriculum Hybrids: A Faculty Workshop. With Dr. Ron Grapsy and Dr. Alan Stromberg. $3,615

Summer, 2007 Research Grant: Annenberg School for Communication Center for Global Communication Studies support for ethnographic research with the BBC in England. Video Journalism Practice in England. Sole PI, $1774.13.

Summer, 2005 Fellowship: Global Media Policy Technology and the New Themes in Media Regulation. Annenberg School for  Communication, University of Pennsylvania, and the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy, University of Oxford. Video Journalism Practice in England. Sole PI, $1774.13.

Summer, 2005, Fellowship: Annenberg Sunnylands’ Institute in Methods and Statistics (ASIMS), workshop in experimental methods, Palm Desert, CA.   

Awards & Honors

2018: Moody College of Communication 2018 Ellen A. Wartella Distinguished Research Award

Academic Service

September, 2022– currently:   Advisory Board Member: Addressing the Crisis of Local Visual News in Regional and Remote Australia, Principal Investigator, T.J. Thomson

March, 2022: Interviewer, International Communication Association’s Architects of      Communication Scholarship podcast, with Dr. Klaus Krippendorff, recorded March 10, 2022.

2022 –currently: Chair, The University of Texas Graduate Assembly Admissions and Enrollment Committee

2021-2023: Director, The University of Texas Women’s and Gender Studies undergraduate honors program

2021-2023: Chair, International Communication Association Visual Communication Studies Division

2019-currently: Mentor, Moody College Faculty Mentoring Program

2021-currently: The University of Texas Graduate Assembly

2020: Guest Editor, Special Issue, Visual Communication Quarterly (27,4): Visual Representation and Marginality.

2021, April:  Online Presenter: Embedding Yourself In The Cultures Of Research & Writing – Establishing A Writing Routine/Developing A Research Trajectory, For: The Graduate Students’ Research & Publication Mentorship Forum, Jointly Hosted By Daystar University & International Communication Visual Communication Division.  

2020, November: Online Panelist for the Post-Grad Roundtable sponsored by The University of Texas Senate of College Councils, November 23, 2020.

2020-2021: Vice Chair, Visual Communication Division of the International Communication Association

2020-2021: Professional Freedom and Responsibility Co-Chair, Visual Communication Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

2020: successfully nominated T.J. Thomson’s To See and Be Seen for the NCA Visual Communication Division’s annual book award.

2020: successfully nominated Danielle Kilgo for the AEJMC Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Early-Career Woman Scholar Award.

2019-2020: Professional Freedom and Responsibility Chair, Visual Communication Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

2019: Member, Editorial Board: Visual Communication Quarterly

2018 to present: Vice Chair: Visual Communication Division of the International Communication Association.  

2018-2022: Co-Advisor, Kappa Tau Alpha, the national honor society for journalism students.

2018: The School of Journalism Diversity in the Curriculum Committee

2017, 2018: Principal Investigators Committee, Moody College  

2017, 2018 and 2019: Peabody Awards Faculty Screening Committee

2013, 2014, 2015, 2016: Faculty Presenter, Camp Texas, Marble Falls, TX.

2015-16: The University of Texas at Austin Moody College of Communication Research Workgroup

2013 to present: Leader of the News as Culture (NAC) graduate student research group, Moody School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin.

2012-2013: Co-Leader (with Dr. Renita Coleman) of RAVE, (Race, Agenda Setting, Ethics) a graduate student research group at the Moody School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin.

2012-14: Research Chair, AEJMC Visual Communication Division

2010-12: Teaching Chair, AEJMC Visual Communication Division

2009: BA Assessment Task Force, KU Department of Speech & Theatre

2008-2009: Secretary, Visual Communication Division, International Communication Association  

Ongoing Committee Appointments

            The University of Texas at Austin Moody School of Communication

Graduate Education Committee (2018-present)

College Climate Committee (2018-19)

Moody College Leadership Major Advisory Council

The University of Texas at Austin School of Journalism:

            School of Journalism Budget Council, 2015-16, 2017-18

Project 2021 task force (curriculum & the future)

Graduate Faculty Subcommittee 2016-17, 2017-18

Assessment Task Force 2012

            Graduate Faculty Committee, 2012-2018

            Graduate Student Admission Committee 2013, 2016

            Undergraduate Scholarship Committee 2014, 2015

Kutztown University Department of Speech Communication & Theatre:

Basic Course Assessment Task Force: Summer, 2011.

Temporary Faculty Hiring Committee: Summer, 2011

Oversight of the formal revision of five courses, 2012

Kutztown University Senate: Academic Technology Committee,

Kutztown University Senate:Space Allocation Committee



Digital Journalism

International Journal of Communication

Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media

Journalism Practice

Journal of Children and Media

Journal of Children and Media

Journal of Communication

Journal of Geoscience Education

Journalism Studies

Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism

Kansas Humanities Council

Mass Communication and Society

Research Foundation, Flanders

Social Media and Society

Visual Communication Quarterly

International Communication Association Conference

National Communication Association Conference

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference

Media Appearances

Podcast Interview: (released Spring 2023) Stories of our Halls, with Texas Student Media.

Quoted: (April 5, 2023) Shribman, D. Trump court appearance a remarkable moment in American history, The Globe and Mail.

Podcast Interview: (released Spring 2022) Digital Artifacts Exhibition.In association with the International Communication Association

Podcast Interview: (released May 19, 2022) “From Gym Suits to Sports Bras” on The Bounce, in association with WPYR.

Podcast Interview: released Nov. 2, 2022 “Architects of Communication Scholarship: Klaus Krippendorff on Cybernetics and Content Analysis. In association with the International Communication Association.

Quoted in Thompson, Elizabeth (August 17, 2020) What an ad against MJ Hegar says about how women and their appearance are still targeted in politics. Dallas Morning News.

Quoted in Mahon, J. (2019) The Mojo Revolution, News From The Palm Of Your Hand. East Tennessee PBS.

Video Interview: (October 14, 2018). Spectrum News, Capital Tonight: Commenting on the evidentiary value of police badge camera video.

Quoted in Pilkington, E. (July 13, 2019).  Jeffrey Epstein: How US media -with one star exception – whitewashed the story.  The Guardian.

Quoted: Lebowitz, S. (Sept. 8, 2018):” It’s an ‘ugly fact of life’: Your hair can sabotage your success at work.” Business Insider.

Quoted: Van Oot, T. (Aug. 14, 2008). “Why 95.8% of Female Newscasters Have the Same Hair.” In Style Magazine.

Quoted inRichman, J.,(Jan. 18, 2018). “End of an Era.” The National Discourse.

Quoted inHenricks, M. (Dec., 2017/Jan. 2018). “Standing up to the Police. Antonio Buehler of Austin Trains his Camera on the Cops. The Progressive, p. 50-52.

Video Interview (June 12, 2017). COVFEFE Act Highlights Importance of Social Media in Politics. The Capitol Tonight, Spectrum (Time Warner Cable) News.

Quoted: Featured in Charpentier, M. (March, 2017). True Story: Journalism professor Mary Angela Bock weighs in on the rise of “fake news. The Alcalde. downloaded March 10, 2017.

Quoted in Sullivan, J. & Blankenship, K. (Feb. 18, 2017).  Bell County sheriff’s shooting outcome common in Texas. The Killeen Daily Herald: downloaded Feb. 19, 2017.

Quoted inNieva, R.,(Nov. 15, 2016). “Does the Internet have a fake news problem?”

Video Interview in B&K Productions (August, 2016). Small Markets, Big Dreams (documentary).

Quoted in Chimbel, A.(Aug. 9, 2016). Top teaching takeaways from AEJMC.

Quoted in Gallaga, O.L. (July 9, 2016). A rocky evolution of video and social media with week’s police shootings, Austin American Statesman, p A11.

Video Interview inWest, K. & Plohetski, T. (June 26, 2016). Two to tangle: Clashes between Austin police, cop-watchers escalate as cameras roll. Austin American Statesman,

Speaker (Feb. 26, 2016).“The Future of Photojournalism” in Imagined Futures: A Humanities Symposium, The Humanities Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

Work Mentioned (July 17, 2016).Filming the Police: A How-To Guide. Redacted Tonight YouTube Series:

Interview (July 10, 2015).Rag Radio, KOOP, Austin.

Interview (June 8, 2015): Police accountability and video, KXAN-TV News.

Quoted inCoomes, P. (March 6, 2013). Photojournalism and the presidency. BBC’s News in Pictures,

Panel Presentation (Nov. 2011). The Digital Agora: Debate in the Age of Facebook, Reading Area Community College.

Quoted: (June 2011). The Information Needs of Communities. Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C.

Quoted in Potter, D (April 21, 2010) The Future of VJs,

Public Lecture (March, 2010).Video Journalism as Performance: The impact of one-man-band multi-media journalism on narrative. Lecture: Kutztown University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts Faculty First Thursday series, Kutztown, PA.

Interviewed (April 2009).eCampaigning: Effect of Internet Use on Candidates’ Races” WFMZ-TV News, Allentown, PA

Community Service:

Lecture (May 7, 2022):Reporting Responsibly on Gender Issues. Texas Interscholastic League Press Conference, Austin, Texas.

Lecture (May 7, 2022): Visual Journalism Ethics Beyond the Camera. Texas Interscholastic League Press Conference, Austin, Texas.

Public Lecture (April 9, 2019). Pseudo events and other realities of TV News. The University of Texas OLLI QUEST program. 

Public Lecture (Feb. 1, 2018). “Fake News/Fake Democracy: The Crisis of Journalism and Politics.” The University of Texas OLLI QUEST program. 

Faculty Host (Oct. 2017): NPPA Women In Visual Journalism Conference, a two-day conference held in the Belo Center for New Media.

Featured Speaker (April 5, 2017): “We are all journalists now.”  Westlake Breakfast Club

Citizens Police Academy Class (2016):Class #88, Austin TX Police Department

Presenter: (Nov. 18, 2017): Writing Responsibly about Gender Issues. The National High School Press Association Conference, Dallas, TX.

Presenter: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019. Interscholastic League Press Conference. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

Public Panel Presentation (April, 2011): Social Media and Safety. Kutztown University Community Forum, Kutztown, PA.

Professional Affiliations:

International Communication Association

National Communication Association

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

Advisory Board, American University Backpack Journalism Project

National Press Photographers Association

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