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Gender and Journalism introduces the history of the struggle for gender equality in news. The textbook provides foundational concepts, theories, and methods through which students can explore the role gender has played in news media. Gender is just one facet of our humanity, yet it has a tremendous effect on the people working in journalism; the subjects and framing of the stories they tell; and ultimately the people who consume those stories.
The textbook is designed to humanize media institutions and highlight the lives of individuals who have worked as writers, journalists, activists and media producers. While media are often considered as a giant, single entity, they are a diverse group of organizations staffed by individuals living in a world full of gender stereotypes and expectations. Promoting media literacy, the book empowers students to look at the factors that influence what we see and read in the news.
While the book centers on women’s experiences in the United States, it also considers the political, economic, and cultural aspects of gender and journalism globally. It also addresses experiences of LGBTQ+ and non-white individuals to give an intersectional frame of reference.
The book covers the essential history of newsroom diversity, focusing on the U.S. case, from the colonial era into the 21st century. It presents students with important concepts for thinking about gender in media, such as hegemonic masculinity, colorblind racism, infantilization and the double binds. Issues related to gender photojournalism, sports journalism, and broadcasting each receive chapter-level treatment.